ISIB Turkish Industrial Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Exporters Association supports the Heat&Electro 2024.

ISIB Turkish Industrial Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Exporters Association supports the Heat&Electro 2024.

The management of the ISIB Association will take part in the official opening ceremony of the exhibition October 29, Expocentre, Pavilion 1, Conference hall 1.

Representatives of the ISIB Association will also take an active part in the business program of the Energy Forum of the Heat&Electro 2024.

Turkish HVAC&R Exporters Association (ISIB) is the only authorized and coordinator exporter association in Turkish HVAC&R sector. Established in 2011, ISIB works towards bringing together all the exporter companies active in the Turkish HVAC&R sector under one roof and increasing the export potential of the sector. Turkish HVAC&R Exporters Association has more than 2.700 members that are active in HVAC&R Sector.

The main purpose of Turkish HVAC&R Exporters Association (ISIB) is to support the Turkish HVAC&R manufacturers and exporters and to increase its recognition worldwide. Additionaly, finding solutions to sectoral problems while serving as a bridge between the the public and private sector and supporting the efforts of organizations to increase the popularity of Turkish export products in world markets are also the main functions of ISIB.

Participating international sectoral exhibitions, organising national pavillions in international exhibitions, organizing sectoral trade delegations and buyer mission programs, providing foreign trade trainings for companies, preparing sectoral country reports, organization of workshops and member meetings to discuss and solve sectoral problems are some tools that ISIB uses to carry out its mission.

We invite to attend Heat&Electro 2024 as the main event of the heat engineering industry and stay up to date with all the events of small and large power engineering.
2024-10-03 15:59