Visiting the Energy Forum is an opportunity to discuss the implementation of the State Energy Efficiency and Resource Conservation Program, as well as to receive useful information that will help you make strategic decisions and develop new projects
> 150 speakers
The program of the Forum includes presentations by reputable speakers and panel discussions covering a wide range of issues - from the development strategy of the energy sector to specific technical solutions
Expert community
The forum will become a platform for meeting with colleagues, partners and potential clients. Such events provide an opportunity to establish business ties, discuss cooperation and share experiences in an informal setting
Forum during the fair
In addition to the Energy Forum, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with new products, solutions and services presented at the exhibition Heat and Energy. You will be able to see and evaluate the proposed innovations firsthand, ask developers questions and get full information about the product
Energy Forum Program
Conference Hall No. 1
10.45 - 13.00
Plenary session «Import substitution, innovation and localization of production in the energy sector as a method of economic stabilization. Support for a domestic manufacturer»
Organizer: Gefera Media LLC
12.30 – 13.30
Official opening of the exhibitionVIP tour of the exposition
Organizer: Gefera Media LLC
13.45 – 18.00
The conference «Russian hydropower as a driver of regional economic growth: challenges, prospects, new solutions»
Organizer: the magazine Energy and Industry of Russia
Conference Hall No. 2
10.30 – 12.30
The conference «Modern boiler houses, construction and modernization. Digital boiler room»
Organizer: the magazine Heat Club
12.40 - 14.40
The conference «Strategy for the development of small-scale energy in Russia: experience in the implementation of innovative and import-substituting technologies in the construction of mini-thermal power plants»
Organizer: Small Energy Association
15.00 - 17.00
The conference «Innovative technologies of water treatment and industrial wastewater treatment at energy enterprises»
Organizer: National Association of Water Supply and Sanitation
Conference Hall No. 1
11.00 – 14.00
Session «Import substitution in the large energy sector, the problems of production and repair of turbine equipment. Application of various technologies»
Organizer: Gefera Media LLC
14.15 – 17.15
The conference «Heat supply. Modernization of heating and hot water supply systems»
Organizers: NP AVOK, NP Russian heat supply
Conference Hall No. 2
10.30 – 12.00
The conference «Energy 4.1. A new perspective on distributed and industrial generation»
Organizer: Association of Innovative Enterprises in the Energy Sector Energoinnovation
12.15 – 14.15
The conference «Construction and modernization of energy supply facilities at agricultural enterprises: poultry, livestock and feed production»
Organizers: Gefera Media LLC Asti Group
14.30 – 16.30
The conference «MECHATON: heat exchange and refrigeration engineering in Russia. Solutions for energy facilities»